It is difficult for me to describe Josphat Macharia and give a proper picture of the greatness and reach of this man.
His capacity to see above the obvious possibilities, and to use great ingenuity and creativity to generate functional ideas is breathtaking. His practices are holistic in nature, that is to say concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts, and they are rounded, complete, balanced. He contemplates the multiple purposes of one specific element, and its numerous influences, its complete scope. He utilizes the effortless mechanisms of nature and its cycles to his benefit. He is able to spot the effect of each process on several levels: the environment, the practical utility for the local people of the region, and its economic sustainability. This will be better understood with an example.
For example, he detects the utility of planting strips of grass in the paths where water frequently runs, to counter soil erosion. This grass is later collected and fed to the animals of the farm. The grass in turn provides a living space for beetles, which eat insects harmful to the crops.
Another good example of a holistic, rounded solution is his mission which you will be able to get to know in the adjacent paragraph.
A mission
Josphat Macharia’s current mission is to expand his practices to the neighboring farms.
The practices or methodology Josphat has created on his farm, have allowed him to escape the state of mere economic survival experienced by his neighbors.
Josphat's solution meets not only environmental, but also social goals, allowing farmers to provide a stable economic situation for their families. It is sustainable both to the land and to the families.
Enough meat and vegetables are produced to provide a rich, varied diet to a family. With the passing of the years, as soil quality improves and yields increase, families can sell the extra produce and provide for secondary needs such as schooling and medical care.
If his approach is applied to the neighboring farms these families will gradually escape poverty.
When you ask Josphat Macharia about the fear of competition, his answer is that the prosperity of the neighboring farms will only be beneficial to him as it will allow for more investors to take interest in the region. "There is enough and more for all", is his answer. As you can see the VISION of this man goes beyond belief.
His concern nowadays is to find the means to support the training of his neighbors. To find the way to start applying his GREAT PLAN.
A Life
Josphat Macharia’s passion to practice sustainable agriculture comes from a life experienced. Josphat grew up as the son of a farmer on the five-acre piece of land he now possesses. As a young boy he returned from his high school education (a six-year stay away from home) to discover the height of the land had decreased about a meter form its original level due to soil erosion, and the maize yields were poorer and fewer in quantity than the ones he remembered.
This image of environmental degradation impacted him greatly, and his mind started work – at a semi-unconscious level – to start to resolve the situation.
His brothers and sisters donated his parents’ land to him as a sign of gratitude for having taken care of them during their last years of life.
He studied to become a teacher and taught in a local school a few kilometers from his farm to earn a living and to take care of his land.
To advance his training he took advantage of all opportunities in his reach such as attending short government courses on agriculture and specific courses on sustainable agriculture.
His knowledge widened further by the use of observation, applying common sense and imagination, and the trial-and-error methodology.
Today, Josphat’s land is significantly superior to that of the neighboring farms; there is no soil erosion; the abundant and nutritious yields feed a family of five and frequently 700 employees from a flower farm a few kilometers away; the soil quality is constantly improving, and fertility and abundant production will prevail for years to come.

Writers’ Notes
This Webpage was produced by a group of the Amani Institute
Social Innovation programme students who had the privilege to get to know Josphat Macharia, and observe the practices he carries out on his farm.
After getting to know him, it was impossible for us not to put forward a platform to allow Josphat Macharia to go further with his plans.
We’d love to hear from you!
Ndabibi Environmental Conservation Centre | Naivasha, Kenya | 989| josphatmacharia@yahoo.com
Tel: +254 722-281-335